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Messages - Ninja_Panda

Pages: [1]
General / Installing SFML 1.6 on Mountain Lion
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:17:42 pm »
Hey everyone,

So for a college assignment I was looking for C++ libraries and came across SFML.
It looks great so I decided to install 1.6, because the tutorials, documentation and features are
complete  (as opposed to 2.0).

So the directories have been moved around in Lion, but I got the frameworks in the right
place (I think). The issue now is trying to install the templates. I've read a lot of other
forum discussions on this site and others about this issues with Mountain Lion, but they have
all been about using 2.0, or older versions of OSX and Xcode.

Because Xcode 4.4 has a .app structure, its organization is different from the directory
on the tutorial for installation. I've tried putting the template directories in the following places:


For each location I've closed and re-opened Xcode, but the templates aren't there to use.

It would be fantastic if someone could help me.

Thank you.

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