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Messages - MaTachi

Pages: [1]
General / Re: AW: How do I diagnose why SFML runs slowly?
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:46:58 pm »
Try a different driver...
Graphics driver? What other should I try? The open source drivers are pretty crappy in games as far as I know. The AMD graphics driver I have installed is through Ubuntu's package manager.

Is the installed game also OpenGL based?
Dunno, how do I know that?

General / How do I diagnose why SFML runs slowly?
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:04:51 pm »

I'm running Ubuntu 12.10, and I have compiled SFML 2 and its examples from source (I just cloned the git repo). However, when I'm playing the pong example it runs with extremely bad performance. And its graphics and logic is far from advance. :S The game lags so much so the ball sometimes flies right through the pads.

What should I do to figure out what the bottleneck is?

My graphics card is a AMD 6870 and I use AMD's proprietary drivers.

EDIT: I installed Teeworlds from Ubuntu Software Center and it ran fine in window mode. So it's evidently possible to run games on the computer.

General / Best way to compile and package a SFML 2 program on Linux?
« on: October 11, 2012, 01:29:25 am »

I'm using Ubuntu and is their repository is only SFML 1.6 available, so I need to add the SFML 2 library files to my program somehow. I currently have a bash script to start the program:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=sfml/lib && ./bin/main

It says where the library files can be found and starts the program. But that isn't a very elegant solution imo, and I wonder if it's possible to do this in a better way. Is it possible to compile or link the program so the external library files aren't needed? I would like a solution that gives me a single executable file that I can double click to start.


General / Re: Embed binary files into the compiled executable file?
« on: October 11, 2012, 12:45:34 am »
Ah, okey. I thought the library needed to have some support for it, like a method in Texture.

And I'm a Linux user. :P

General / Embed binary files into the compiled executable file?
« on: October 11, 2012, 12:07:47 am »

When I want to load an image into a Texture in SFML I need to specify the path to the image. For an example:


The problem when running the compiled executable then is that it needs to accompanied with the res folder. I would like to find a way to embed images into the compiled file, so I only need 1 file to be able to run the program.

Pages: [1]