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Messages - quarks

Pages: [1]
General / Re: SFML 2.0 from apt-get
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:15:47 pm »
I packaged the RC in a private repository. If you want, you can add it:

If you want other people to find it easily, a forum post is probably not the best place.
I would suggest you to create a wiki web page.

I'll do the same for Mageia, but I need somewhere to upload the .rpm first.

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 18, 2012, 07:46:57 pm »
Also you must have once clicked "Fork" on the SFML GitHub site. It then automatically forks SFML, if you want it to or not. But you can easily remove it again (Admin->Repositories or similar).

Maybe, because there are several display bugs for github with the web browser I use.
But still I don't think so, because I also see forks without any changes on the page of the other people that have contribute to the wiki. I know that github will automatically fork if one makes a pull request, so mabe there's something similar for the wiki?

Feature requests / Re: Wiki
« on: October 18, 2012, 07:43:21 pm »
As for the consistent formatting, you should make the decision probably for each wiki page, because every developer has a different idea of what 'the correct way' is and many probably won't like your style. So if you find some irregularities within the source code of someone, feel free to change it, but changing every code to your style won't please everyone. ;)

No, this is not what I meant.
I mean when there are real formating errors. Like different levels in the same block of code, or real inconsistency. (There was some in the HSL piece of code.)
The point is to keep code readable, not to change the style of the original author.

Also some people read pages on small screens. Other people use bigger font size than the original submiter. So very long lines of code (more than 120) are sometimes impossible to read until the end.

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 18, 2012, 07:35:55 pm »
As for the importing entries from the old into the new wiki, I don't see really see a need for contacting the authors. I mean if it's at place A or at place B doesn't really matter and since it's still the wiki of SFML and not some other project you don't actually change anything.

Also see this thread about a default license, but feel free to contact every contributor (if you find out who's behind the projects). :)

If the license is not the same, we should ask the authors for changing the license of their content.

Feature requests / Re: Wiki
« on: October 18, 2012, 07:35:05 pm »
Well for wiki page renaming you're kind of late...

Please avoid acerbic tone.

I was refering to this (in this same thread):

I'm unsure though, if it makes sense to change all the titles, because it will probably break every link on the forum to a specific topic, then again that's just a small problem and the bigger win would be a nice title naming scheme... ;)

Yeah, I don't know exactly how to handle existing URLs. But since github change the way they work, something must be done. At least update the rules.

Feature requests / Re: Wiki
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:43:30 pm »
If we change page naming scheme, maybe we can manage keeping existing links in the same way than we do with mediawiki (wikipedia and rosettacode), with just a #redirect "NewName" in the old page.
I don't know if github wiki is able to manage this.

I would be pleased to help with the wiki.

The things I would be happy to do are:
- contact all the contributors to ask for a license change (Laurent or the community have to choose a license first)
- check for all code samples to have a consistent formating
- rename pages with a consistent naming scheme
- maybe import the most important/usefull contents from the old wiki (also needs to contact authors)
- maybe other things, if you provide a TODO list

But to do so I would need your help arround because I know mediawiki quite well, but I just created a github account to access SFML's wiki.

By the way I don't know how to rename a page. Github's wiki even renamed a page I've created yesterday, by removing the case.
I've not found yet how to contact (private message) someone from his github account.

Also I've noticed that this appeared on my newly created account:
I do not have planed to fork SFML, and I don't remember having done something even by accident, so why is this thing here ? how can I remove it ?

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:19:57 am »
I've no idea how you'd think that this is the same code... ???
Make a diff and you won't find any matches.

This is the same code, only the variable and class names are different.
The implementation is exactly the same, while one could implement this in different ways.
So please...

But all that beside the one author is Hirua and the other is Nexus and I think they know each other from the forum well enough to not fighter over such code ideas. Both are contributing extensively to SFML so worry not... ;)

Of course noone will raise a trial for 10 lines of code.
When I read this, I was just surprised to see the same code without cite the original author.

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:51:17 am »
This isn't my code... I'm not sure how GitHub handles these pages but for some reason it doesn't show the first change... So maybe one can't go after the history. :-\

this is very handy to contact the original authors, to ask them about licensing issues.

On the old wiki, I found this:

I was able to ask the author if he accepts to switch from cc-by-sa to the same license than SFML.
He accepted.

IMO we should fix the licensing issue on the wiki before there are too many things.

Also I noticed later that the code from "PausableClock" seems to be the same than here:

but the name of the author is different !??

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:32:39 am »
If you look at the page history then you see that the original author is maskedkiller01 which sounds suspicously similar to masskiller...

Obviously :)

And there was an edit just a few minutes ago by blue-prawn, that's either quarks or this user. ;)

And ?

OK, there is this page too: https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Tutorial:-Manage-dynamic-key-binding
from "eXpl0it3r" which is probably the same than on the forum "eXpl0it3r", also edited by "blue-prawn" 6 minutes ago

So may I assume that the code that you provide on the wiki is public domain?

Feature requests / Re: HSL Color Standard
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:23:09 pm »
I don't see any license inormation for this piece of code:

Maybe the author is still arround ?

In case so, may I suggest you to add the same license header than SFML ?

Otherwise the only things we can do is either to read it only, or stealing it in the copyright violation way.

Thanks for your understanding

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