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Messages - danva994

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: ASFML-1.6 Ada binding to SFML
« on: November 01, 2012, 11:55:16 am »
Mostly because the binding uses CSFML to interface with SFML. I'm not sure if CSFML is updated at the same rate as SFML. But as soon as CSFML-2 is released i will create a new binding for it. I'm using the binding in a course project and I need it now. I just wanted to put the sources public so that anyone in need could use it. There is nothing like SFML in Ada and I, unlike the rest of the world, like to program in Ada :D

SFML projects / ASFML-1.6 Ada binding to SFML
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:17:59 pm »

I wanted to inform you Ada programmers (if any still alive) that I have created a binding for SFML-1.6.
You can get the latest snapshot from: https://github.com/danva994/ASFML-1.6

All the modules are supported and there is also included a binding to Opengl and GLU for 3D graphics.

You are welcome to report bugs and ask questions.


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