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Messages - powf

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Quick Texture questions
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:49:04 pm »
Alright, thanks.

Graphics / Quick Texture questions
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:39:43 pm »
If I make two (or more) texture objects from the same file, do they point to the same texture data? If not, is it recommended to try to make them do so to avoid wasting memory?

General / Re: SFML on Visual Studio 2012
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:40:04 am »
Thanks for that - now that I know what to use, it was a quick task to get things set up and working. One thing, though - when I'm using the release files and building the project (the compiled program at the bottom of http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/start-vc.php) in debug mode, it comes up with 3 gibberish characters in the top left hand corner instead of "SFML works!". But if I build and run it in release mode, it behaves normally. Either way, it doesn't seem like a big problem - it still draws the circle either way; I just hope that it's not a sign of worse things to come. Thanks, guys!

General / Re: SFML on Visual Studio 2012
« on: November 29, 2012, 01:03:50 am »
As you said, I built straight from VS2012, not from nmake; I guess that explains why I'm getting debug files. After doing a bit of poking around, I managed to find a way to get all the files into 'release' mode. Are the files shown here (http://i.imgur.com/jnRKk.png) all that I need besides the .h files? It looks as if switching from debug to release building removed some files with extensions .pdb and .ilk (present in the debug build).

General / Re: SFML on Visual Studio 2012
« on: November 28, 2012, 07:14:44 am »
Ok, I think I've figured out my problem with the 'include' folder. It was in the file I downloaded instead of the one CMake made. It seems to have all the .h files I need inside it. Before trying this out, though, there's something else that bothers me. In the 'library' folder, all the built .dll and .lib files are debug, nonstatic files. What is the effect of having the debug tag? In CMake, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is 'Release', not 'Debug'. If it's recommended to remove the debug tag at some point (maybe in the finished application?), what do I need to do?

General / SFML on Visual Studio 2012
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:46:34 am »
I had a long post written up, but then my computer crashed. So I'll be (relatively) concise; I'm trying to build the SFML library so I can include it in a VS2012 project:

1. I built SFML using CMake. However, when I tried "Nmake makefiles" (as my 'generator') it gave me an error. So then I tried 'Visual Studio 2011" (it has no 2012?) and it configured/generated successfully. Is this right?

2. I opened SFML.sln and built it (my only previous experience with building was with simple .exe files). It seems that a few .dll files were generated. If I did step 1 correctly, which files should I include? My lib folder (looking in the same directory as the .sln file is in) is empty with the exception of a Debug folder with many files in it and an 'include' folder doesn't even exist in the directory.

Pages: [1]