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Messages - dave_ottley

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Build.bat crashes in Code::Blocks 12
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:52:28 pm »
I guess what I mean is that I always want the sprites to be inside the window. As it stands if I create an 800x600 window and render at (0,1000) I cannot see the sprite. I would like to be able to make a game where the user can scale the window up and down in size and into various different resolutions without affecting the relative placement of the sprites on the screen and without pushing any sprites off the screen. Is this possible?

General / Re: Build.bat crashes in Code::Blocks 12
« on: December 15, 2012, 02:15:33 pm »

Thank you and I appreciate all your help. You have a wonderful framework. The reason I chose to go with 1.6 was for the tutorial content and for the collective online wisdom to draw from (it even says to do so in your tutorials). I will eventually move over to 2.0, but would not like to have to reverse the work I have done building an engine around 1.6 for now.

Off-topic: Is there a way to do resolution-independent rendering in SFML? Or are all render coordinates always pixel coordinates? I want my game to be scalable in windows and for different fullscreen resolutions and aspect ratios. Is this possible in SFML without having to build my own custom OpenGL render from scratch?


-Dave Ottley

General / Build.bat crashes in Code::Blocks 12
« on: December 15, 2012, 01:40:41 pm »

I have successfully recompiled the SFML 1.6 libraries, but have been unable to get build.bat to work correctly. It simply crashes g++ a number of times, followed by crashing code::blocks a number of times. I am working in Windows 7 with Code::Blocks 12, and MinGW with GCC 4.7.1. Does anyone else have this problem?

-Dave Ottley

General / Re: Building C::B 8.02 + mingw = 'NULL' not declared
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:46:27 pm »
It should be noted that this problem still exists in its original form. I solved it by including
#include <cstddef>

in every .cpp (it is VERY important not to do this in the .hpp files) for which the NULL error was generated. I hope this will be of some help to some newbies out there somewhere, someday.

-Dave Ottley

General / Re: Building C::B 8.02 + mingw = 'NULL' not declared
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:43:02 am »

This is my first post here. I want to congratulate you on an incredible framework. However, there is a great reason to compile from source. If you use the precompiled libs, you have to use GCC 4.4. If you want to use some new C++ 11 features you will have to move up and/or if you just want to move up to GCC 4.7.1 you will have to recompile from source. Why? Because the ABI is not 100% compatible. I tried it without recompiling the libraries and got some fatal crashes.

I fixed the null problem by just inserting
#include <cstddef> into your .cpp file, and it worked great.

However, I am now having some more problems, but not really with your code, but in wchar.h. It says that size_t is not defined. I'm pretty sure this is a C++11 / C++98 incompatibility but if you have any insight, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks.

-Dave Ottley

Pages: [1]