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Messages - ZeroAndOne

Pages: [1]
thanks, I get it now.

but isn't getSize() going to return the whole size of the image in Kbs or MBs? I want the number of pixels across the image and also the number of pixels on the height of the image. will getSize() be able to achieve this? If Yes. How?   

Graphics / What has replaced the Image function GetWidth() in SFML 2.0
« on: December 30, 2012, 09:09:35 am »
I have a sprite sheet that I would like to animate by subdividing it into sub-rectangles but I am unable to, :( because the function getWidth() for the sprite sheet has been removed in SFML 2.0 and I don't know what has replaced it. ???

Graphics / Re: WHAT DOES GetFrameTime() DO?
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:54:54 pm »
So is there a function that replaced it?

Graphics / WHAT DOES GetFrameTime() DO?
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:40:46 pm »
What does GetFrameTime() do? and why don't I have this function in my SFML 2.0? If its been replaced by another function, what is the other function?

 I'm new to SFML and I'm still trying to get my first window running. but I'm getting the error below. ERROR "The procedure entry point ZTVN10_cxxabiv120_si_class_type_infoE could not be located in the dynamic library libstdc++-6.dll" Does anybody know what the problem could be?

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