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Messages - KombatWaffle

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Draw line
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:23:05 pm »
That was my point.

If it's not to be found within the tutorial section, don't be surprised when the question comes up.

The guy Nexus who responded here could've either wasted his time on one post answering the OP, or just giving him a link. Instead he wasted his oh-so-precious time posting once, doing a search himself, then posting a second time just to make a point.

I'm not saying he was wrong in his point. Doing a search is easier. And this thread was the first result that came up when I googled "sfml 2.0 draw line." But had he just answered, I would've gotten my answer too, instead I had to go through another layer of clicking links to finally find an answer, embedded somewhere in a thick thread.

I'm just saying that if something comes up frequently, maybe it's not always the other guys' fault.

Graphics / Re: Draw line
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:28:00 pm »
If this questions gets asked that many times, perhaps you guys should put it into the actual tutorials, instead of barking at people for asking it.

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