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Messages - Exxtay

Pages: [1]
General / What is better - QT Graphics or SFML?
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:25:29 am »
I'm asking everyone with deep knowledge of QT.
I need to create something like this:
As you see here is just animated sprites with simple graphics effects.

And which library better suits for that type of applications? SFML or QT Graphics?

In better i mean: what is easier to use and what is faster in work.

Window / Re: Drawing amount of pixels on the screen.
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:33:46 pm »
And of course It's works fast enough to do that 60 or more times per second?

Window / Drawing amount of pixels on the screen.
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:06:32 pm »
Hello everyone.
I'll be short:
We need to draw an array of pixels, which size depends of the size of the screen. It means that array of pixels will fill up an entire screen.
So. We stopped at two ways to solve our problem.
The first one:
Just draw the screen-sized sprite with all data we need.
And second one:
To draw the screen-sized shape, using it's *point* functions.

But... all of that cases not seems to be a very good, and we need to go a bit deeper:
we need just to get access to draw a pixels on the screen and... how to do that without going these probably bad ways like displaying sprite and shape.

Why we need this?
It's just because we're doing some experiments with SVO (sparse voxel octree) and RayTrace rendering system, and we don't really need the graphics libraries, such as OpenGL and whatever.
We just need to draw the pixels (points) onto the screen, with it's colors, based on result of rendering our SVO.
And that's it.

Hope you get me, and thank a lot.

Pages: [1]