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Messages - pjuke

Pages: [1]
General / Re: OpenGL rendering in SFML2.0, questions.
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:07:11 pm »
Thank you for your kind reply, eXpl0it3r.
I've already looked at Thor, hehe. I just wanted to try stretch my own fingers and try make something on my own you see. I'll definately keep Thor as a reference tho, thank you very much!

I'll stick to the "regular" methods as you pointed out and see where the path will lead me.
I'm already using Box2D for my physics, so that will come in handy for create some collission-based particle engine. Smile!

Take care!

General / OpenGL rendering in SFML2.0, questions.
« on: January 15, 2013, 04:53:22 pm »
I have worked a bit with SFML lately and creating small games. However, I've noticed there is ways of rendering content using OpenGL.

My question is; is it preferable to render my images with OpenGL, instead of just calling window.draw(myDrawable) on the screen? My game is just a simple 2D game and doesn't require 3D rendered graphics.

I was thinking of developing a small particle system for my game. I have looked at some exampels on the internet, and found that they render the particles (the sf::Image using getPixelsPtr()) using OpenGL. As I've read, doesn't SFML render the images with OpenGL by default? Using the sf::Rendertarget::draw() function?

I'm a beginner at games, please go easy on me.
But I'm trying to figure out if I should render my sprites using the sf::Image together with OpenGL, or just stick to the sf::Sprite and the default draw()-method. Since it both uses OpenGL I guess.

Thanks in advance.

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:28:00 pm »
Nice one, looking good!
I've one question tho:

What would be the best approach when dealing with circular objects, like a ball for example?
A circle has "endless" number of corners, which makes it a bit difficult to point out all the vertices in the shape, I guess.

So, how would I go by defining those kind of objects with soft corners?

Pages: [1]