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Messages - SneakySnake

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: 2d game engine done by a newbie - progress diary
« on: October 21, 2013, 06:44:27 pm »
I don't know how to use sites like google.code so until I get around to learn how it works I'll continue to upload entire code.

I would recommend using GitHub. It is a very popular project hosting service, and it has beginner friendly clients for Windows and Mac.
It also has a short tutorial on how to use Git: http://try.github.io
Oh yeah, and it's free if you only use public repositories.

I also took the liberty to make your engine linux-compatible.
Here are the patches (generated by Git): https://gist.github.com/crumblingstatue/7086887

The red ( - ) lines are the removed lines, the green ( + ) lines are the added lines.

Window / [potential fix] X11: Tilde key not getting detected
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:24:28 pm »
I was wondering why SFML doesn't detect the tilde key, so I looked into it.

I looked at the implementation, and the underlying X11 symbol for tilde in SFML is XK_dead_grave.
I launched the xev utility, and looked at what it says when I press the tilde key.
It says XK_grave.

So I modified the implementation (both WindowImpl and InputImpl) to use XK_grave instead of XK_dead_grave, and now the Tilde key works in both cases. Another user also confirmed that it works with XK_grave for him.

Perhaps both XK_dead_grave and XK_grave could be accepted, unless there are preventing factors that I am not aware of.

EDIT: Yeah, the InputImpl got a bit hacky when taking both into account, but the WindowImpl is a clean fix.
At least that could be incorporated to make users' life easier until they wait for 2.x.

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