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Messages - taspatsx

Pages: [1]
General / How to create own classes from SFML classes
« on: February 09, 2013, 07:58:27 pm »
I'm guessing the title made you cringe from the amateurishness. But that's what I want to know, I started C++ and SFML last week, I know how to create a simple class in C++, I know how to draw, move etc. objects created from SFML classes, but what I do not know is how to combine those classes. For example if I want to make space invaders and have the player's object shoot bullets. How would I go about creating my own class that uses SFML for the player and the bullets? Do I inherit the class, like "class Player: public sf::RectangleShape" (assuming I want my player to be a rectangle)? Because that didn't work out so well.
I'm suspecting the majority of answers will be along the lines of: "Go read a book on C++".

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