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Messages - ostkaka

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: View wont move.
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:02:36 pm »
I read the tutorial, but I missed that somehow.  :o

Graphics / Re: View wont move.
« on: July 11, 2013, 12:49:14 am »
It's easier with camera.getCenter().  :-\

Graphics / View wont move.
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:44:47 pm »
My class Camera : public sf::View stopped to work properly after I updated to sfml 2.0. It worked with sfml 1.6. In the constructor I can change its size, rotate and move it. But then it wont do anything of that in its methods  :-\.

This is the method I use:
Code: [Select]
void Camera::Update(App& app)
if (currentEntity != nullptr)
float deltaX = currentEntity->getX()+8-getCenter().x;
float deltaY = currentEntity->getY()+8-getCenter().y;
float speedFactor = atan(app.getFrameTime()*speed)*2/3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419;

std::cout << speedFactor << " ;( ;( ;( :(\n";

setCenter(getCenter().x + deltaX*speedFactor, getCenter().y + deltaY*speedFactor);

What's wrong?  :'(

General / Re: Spritesheet algorithm not working
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:27:04 am »
There are at least 2 flaws in TextureContainer.cpp. (btw, who are you lol?)
The tutorial says this: "a sprite only points to an external image it doesn't own one".
Which means that:
- when your image is deleted (end of scope where you declared it) your sprite doesn't have an image anymore, hence the white box
- if your image is modified, it affects every sprites pointing to this image
oh, ty... :o I actually know that. :-\

General / Re: Spritesheet algorithm not working
« on: February 10, 2013, 11:07:00 pm »
Keep your image alive.
It's asked A LOT in the forums...
TY. -.-
But no... It didn't really help. Why doesn't this work?
Code: [Select]
tempImage.Copy(image, 16, 0, sf::IntRect(x*spriteWidth, y*spriteHeight, (x + 1)*spriteWidth, (y + 1)*spriteHeight), true);

Pages: [1]