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Messages - dverg

Pages: [1]
Graphics / setTextureRect() or setTexture()
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:03:11 pm »

sorry, if this question is already answered, but I got a database error while using the search function...

I'm just switched to SFML 2 and currently I'm reading through the documentation. The new way to use sf::Sprite with sf::Texture instead of sf::Image seems very interesting to me.

But here is my question:
If I want to implement an animation, would it be better have several sf::Texture's and switch the images from the animation with sf::Sprite::setTexture().
Or is the better way to have one large sf::Texture containing all the animation images and then, each time the image should change, calling the function sf::Sprite::setTextureRect().

thanks and I apologize for my bad english :)

Pages: [1]