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Messages - andyj

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General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 13, 2009, 04:32:52 pm »
Yeah, I know it's not an obligation. It's no big deal ;), just giving back.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 12, 2009, 10:06:29 pm »
Yeah, I'm happy with that too. Perhaps I can come up with ideas/code/etc to contribute. As for testing, I'll keep doing it.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 12, 2009, 06:46:59 pm »
Yes, it's working. I tested pong on OS X and it had the same sounds.

Like I said, I rebuilt the samples and the frameworks from the new SVN revision (obviously, I deleted the ones I had in the Frameworks directory from Library and replaced them with these).

He may have an older XCode and/or an older OS X version. I was using 10.5.5 with XCode 3.1.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 12, 2009, 04:19:54 pm »
I see, adding a symbollic link should be ok. I thought they weren't loaded even if they were in the Resources folder.
I'm glad this is fixed, I will be watching the SVN revisions to see what pops up in there for the re-release.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 12, 2009, 02:43:06 pm »
Yes, I will try it in a few minutes and I'll update this post.

P.S.: Judging by the SVN changes, I can see that some bugs were fixed, including the locale bug. It should all be fine.

Update: I tested revision 984. I compiled SFML Frameworks in Release mode and the samples in Release mode. They worked, the locale error is gone.
Obviously, it still needs the CWD to be the bin directory and a manual execution via opengl.app/Contents/MacOS/opengl in terminal.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:44:46 pm »
That's ok too, I was wondering how you would get rid of the args.
Anyway, it seems that the issue with the locales is fixed in the SVN. Maybe there will be a 1.4.1 maintenance release?

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 10, 2009, 01:30:02 am »
Quote from: "Ceylo"
The .dmg file does not fix any SFML bug. The frameworks were just malformed.

And.. your solution is... heavy.
If you want the user to use argv, let him at least set the working directory correctly rather than annoying him with an absolute path.

I can get the program path without forcing the user to give me the main() function arguments, this is not a problem. The point is rather choosing to do it or not.

I think I'll actually set the just working directory to the Resources folder at SFML initialization. Let me think about it a few more days (or weeks :D , anyway the 1.5 release is far away).

 I noticed it was repackaged. It made sense to me to check again (because it might have had something which fixed the distribution, not modified code) and see what happens.

My solution was pretty much of a fix I thought of a while ago and I'd love to read how you'd tackle the problem.This means that I'd like to compile some SFML apps for OS X before SFML 1.5 gets out.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 09, 2009, 08:24:04 am »
The issue was the same even with the DMG. I have rebuilt even the SFML source from the second package, the DMG, because I thought there may have been some kind of incompatibility (e.g. compiled with an older XCode on 10.4, etc).

What I said was to take the arguments which get passed to the app, that means the first argument which is the path to the binary, remove the name of the binary and the MacOS part and you've got a clean path to "[...].app/Contents/". What happens from now on is pretty obvious, you add Resources/res to the path, where res is a file you want to load from the Resources directory.

SFML could have something which does this, like: getAppResPath and the user could use it or create his own code.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 09, 2009, 12:08:10 am »
Here I am answering to my own post, hehe.
Starting the offending apps with LC_ALL="C" opengl.app/Contents/MacOS/opengl seems to work.
Therefore, it seems it's a locale related problem.

Here you can find more pieces of information.

I hope this can be fixed easily.

General / [C++/OSX]two bugs/issues, locale and assets
« on: January 08, 2009, 01:08:45 pm »
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.5 Intel
SFML version : 1.4 final
I got the full SDK from the website and tried to run the examples.
For the .app based samples, I was getting errors even if I had copied the frameworks to /Library/Frameworks.

The first thing I noticed when I opened the Terminal and moved into the bin directory and opened the apps was this error : locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid .

That was the second problem, the first one was that it couldn't find the data from the "datas" folder, which I solved by moving into the bin directory and ran the samples apps (e.g. opengl.app/Contents/MacOS/opengl).

This could probably be fixed by getting the path of the executable from within the binary files and storing the required files in .app/Contents/Resources/.

I recompiled SFML in release mode and the samples, the result was the same.

Any ideas on how I could fix the locale problem?

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