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Messages - Andrej Vojtas

Pages: [1]
General discussions / C# and SFML for OS X (and iPhone)
« on: January 20, 2009, 11:09:45 pm »
Thank you for more details. I think I know enough to make the decision I wanted.

General discussions / C# and SFML for OS X (and iPhone)
« on: January 20, 2009, 10:28:11 am »

That's good news indeed! Thank you for letting us know and for the clarification.

Hopefully you want run into some serious trouble.

Sorry for asking again: will an abstracted layer of game logic written in C#, calling the SFML graphics/audio/input functions work with the iPhone SFML port?

General discussions / C# and SFML for OS X (and iPhone)
« on: January 19, 2009, 10:41:06 pm »
Thank you.

That what what I had in mind.

Can someone comment on the plans for more supported platforms?

General discussions / C# and SFML for OS X (and iPhone)
« on: January 19, 2009, 03:46:32 pm »

I'm a game designer and artist, not much of a programmer so please bear with me.
Maybe one day you will have a great game to play for helping this confused guy out :)

I'm solving the common indie question: how to cover the most interesting platforms for small creative games.
For my project its OS X, PC, XBox Community Games, iPhone

PC/XBCG: I would like to use XNA = write my game logic code in C# (lots of RPG AI) to create my game for PC and XBox Community Games.
Just basic 2D static graphics + particles.

OS X: Is it possible to use the game logic code in C# and use SFML for the graphics and audio to make an OSX version? How difficult would it be?
iPhone: I read in the feature that SFML plans to support more platforms in the future.
Is it probable that iPhone will be supported in summer 2010? Could a similar port be made: game logic in C# + SFML?

I appreciate your answers and welcome any new insights and solutions I'm not aware of.

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