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Messages - XenonTRX

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Loading OpenGL texture using SFML
« on: January 24, 2009, 08:13:31 pm »
Oh, I see it, thanks!
I'm sorry, i bothered you.

Graphics / Loading OpenGL texture using SFML
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:44:08 pm »
Hi, everyone

I'm a program which uses SFML for making a window, event handling etc., and OpenGL for rendering (3D).I just want to ask how can I easily load a texture using SFML so OpenGL could use it. I thought about using SOIL, but I saw that SFML also uses SOIL for loading images. I tried to find any public member of sf::Image and sf::Sprite that OpenGL could use, I found none so far.
I know that you could load texture with SDL, can SFML do something similar?
Please help.

Pages: [1]