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Messages - Liosan

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Open Source top-down game - Warlock's Gauntlet
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:40:26 pm »
We are using SFML/OpenGL.

To be more specific, we are using SFML 1.4 for window creation, input handling and OpenGL context setup. A few months ago we switched from the basic SFML glBegin-/glEnd-based rendering method over to a custom vertex array rendering method, to get a slight efficiency edge together with the possibility to add custom per-sprite shaders.

The shaders didn't work out :) We didn't have time to finish it off. But the change wasn't very intrusive - we simply overloaded sf::Sprite. We could set the change back, and the game would work as before, albeit a bit slower.


SFML projects / Open Source top-down game - Warlock's Gauntlet
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:29:02 pm »
A new version is available, with the following improvements:
- difficulty levels and "arcade mode"
- improvements to save system
- loading screen between maps
- bestiary
- some new graphics and UI changes
- numerous bugfixes and balancing issues, including keybindings

Also, there is a video available on our indiedb site.

Thanks for all the feedback so far :)

Quote from: "bobasaurus"
I would also add some visual indicator on the character when low on health, reminding you to heal.  Right now it's easy to forget checking and die when careless.

Good idea, but how would you see that? A flashing health bar? Audio indication?

Quote from: "Nexus"

Elemental revenge is pretty strong, yet consumes no mana? Is this a bug?
I had problems casting some of the lightnings (I guess it was mainly Transfuse), nothing happened. I even died once because of that ;)

Huh? I couldn't reproduce those. If someone sees them, could you post game.save file around here somewhere?

Quote from: "inlinevoid"
I've noticed the music is ripped from Lugaru.

I prefer the term "borrowed" ;) Since Lugaru went open source and CC, we decided to use some of their audio assets. Some fist-hitted noises are from there, too. I wish our musicians where more productive, but they tend to quit after a week... :(


SFML projects / Open Source top-down game - Warlock's Gauntlet
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:52:35 am »
Quote from: "Spodi"
That was a surprisingly sweet game.

Quote from: "Walker"
Congratulations on making a game that I've actually gone back after my first go to complete!

Thanks people, I'm glad you like it :) We're doing our best. We've still got a few nice features we would like to implement, but I'm not going to give you any dates... I have no idea when we'll finish them.

Quote from: "Finn"
Well...it's easy to cheat :D Just change a few things in the savefile^^

Or in the xmls defining the player. Or in the console command files. Or in the maps. Or use the console to change whatever you need. Or, for that matter, download the source code and recompile it so that the player is immortal :) The game is not exactly hardened :D Apart from the save file thing, how did you like it?


SFML projects / Open Source top-down game - Warlock's Gauntlet
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:40:28 pm »
Thanks :) Be sure to post some feedback when you do, we're counting on it :)

@Svenstaro: I didn't say earlier, but I filed your two other comments as bugs.


SFML projects / Open Source top-down game - Warlock's Gauntlet
« on: August 16, 2010, 10:00:26 am »
Quote from: "Svenstaro"
Try to make each object have some alpha-blended blob shadow. It will give your game some automatic depth and contrast for each on-screen entity.

You think blob shadows would be better than the "animation shadow" we have under each character? Admitively, it's not under each object, but still we thought they did their job :)


General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:57:47 pm »
Heh, talk about weird, I can't link against static, I get some weird errors...


PS. I'll check the repository version when I find the time to :)

General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: March 13, 2009, 12:10:57 pm »
Quote from: "Astrof"
I would try unplugging them and then trying it,

I'll quote myself again: not plugged in. So, no, I will not unplug them, because it seems impossible :)

Quote from: "Astrof"
but you said that the program works fine in Visual Studio?

Yes, it does. But I want to work with MinGW/g++4, not VS.  Although this does spoil the joystick theory, doesn't it? VS and g++ use separate libs, so I suppose there might be some sort of bug in the g++ version.


General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: March 11, 2009, 08:10:31 pm »
Quote from: "Astrof"
Quote from: "Liosan"
I do have several bluetooth HIDs installed, but not plugged in ...

have you tried unplugging them?

... I haven't... any other ideas? :D


General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: March 08, 2009, 06:48:26 pm »
I'm sorry to double post... but is there any more insight on this?


General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:17:16 pm »
Well, ok. But I don't have one plugged in, I haven't even seen an USB joystick.

I do have several bluetooth HIDs (human interface devices) installed, but not plugged in (for example a Wii remote). Do you think this can be the issue?


General / 1st Demo Using SFML - Only Get Console Window - HELP
« on: January 26, 2009, 10:14:15 am »
Any update on this subject?

I'm getting exactly the same problem - only the console window on a project that should contain a normal SFML window.

The problem occured after a migration from SFML 1.3 to 1.4. The project compiles fine with MinGW using g++ 4.0, I link against dynamic, non-debug libraries with the dll-s in place. I can't link against the static libraries, because I get linkage errors. Apart from that, everything works - except that the window doesn't show :)

The same project compiles and opens fine with Visual Studio.

Any insight?

EDIT: the window is created using:

Code: [Select]

    sf::VideoMode currentVideoMode = sf::VideoMode::GetDesktopMode();
    mRenderWindow = new sf::RenderWindow( sf::VideoMode(800, 600, currentVideoMode.BitsPerPixel), "Warsztat Game" );

    assert( mRenderWindow && "CGame::CGame(): unable to create RenderWindow\n" );
and the assertion doesn't fire.


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