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Messages - CoderUK

Pages: [1]
Network / Re: [SMFL 2] Using TcpListener
« on: April 26, 2013, 06:05:48 pm »
I meant Socket.Done (Also = 0 in the Status enum). Anywho, got it working now anyway.

Network / Re: [SMFL 2] Using TcpListener
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:46:16 pm »
Ok, so am I right in thinking that we want to keep listening until it returns 0 (Socket has been sent or received). Once listen returns 0, then we send/receive our data?

Network / [SMFL 2] Using TcpListener (FIXED)
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:02:21 pm »
Hi guys.

I'm trying to use the network module of the 2.0 rc to create a simple Server/Client that can send and receive some basic data. I've read through the tutorial and searched the forum best I can, but I can't find anything similar to the problem. First off, I'll post some code snips.

Server code:
Code: [Select]
TcpListener Host;

TcpSocket socket;
cout << "New Client Connected: " << socket.getRemoteAddress() << endl;
char ToSend[] = "Success";
socket.send(ToSend, sizeof(ToSend));
cout << "Message sent to client : \"" << ToSend << "\"" << endl;

Client code:
Code: [Select]
TcpSocket Client;
if(Client.connect("localhost", 50000))
char Message[128];
size_t Received;
Client.receive(Message, sizeof(Message), Received);
cout << "Message received! = \"" << Message << "\"" << endl;

char ToSend[] = "HELLOOOOOOOO";
Client.send(ToSend, sizeof(ToSend));
cout << "Message sent to server : \"" << ToSend << "\"" << endl;


Basically, what happens is the code just hits the return and from what I can tell stops listening (Neglected to give its own thread, so if its listening it causes my UI to lock up atm). Sorry, about the pretty amateurish post,  new to C++/Networking

Pages: [1]