Can you please show a complete and minimal code that reproduces the problem? By minimal I mean a simple Main() with a sprite, not your game engine
Ok, Is this what you need?
static void Main
(string[] args
) { ImageTexture
= new Texture
("Image File Path"); ImageFile
= new Sprite
); Width
= ImageFile
.Texture.Size.X; Height
= ImageFile
.Texture.Size.Y; FormControl
); } If it is not than I have add code for what is going on in the parts of the engine.
Opening the window:
= new RenderWindow
"Window Caption");FormControl
.Size = new Vector2u
); The two classes used for drawing objects to screen:
private Sprite ImageFile;
private Texture ImageTexture;
Loading the Image:
= new Texture
("The image file.");ImageFile
= new Sprite
= ImageFile
= ImageFile
.Position = new Vector2f
); Drawing the Image: