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Messages - JoWack

Pages: [1]
General / How to manage different screens???
« on: May 05, 2013, 09:27:10 pm »
Hi, I'm relatively new to programming, but I've created a simple remake of the game "Pong" and it works really well. As of now, it goes straight to the game screen while running, but I would like for it to display a splash screen for around 5 seconds then go to a title screen, which has two buttons for single player or multiplayer (right now I have a console window set up to choose either single or multiplayer). I have absolutely no idea on how to create and manage these different screens, and I've read a couple of tutorials on it but they are extremely confusing to me. If anybody could help me out here, what is the absolute easiest way to create and manage multiple screens in an SFML project?

Thanks, Joe

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