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Messages - Krateros

Pages: [1]
Audio / Re: Issue 30
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:44:14 pm »
I had the same problem and found a solution. I added the whole Audio module (src & headers), opengal32 and sndfile libraries in a folder of my project. Then changed the #include <SFML/Audio/file.hpp> preprosesors in each file to relative to that folder, so the Audio module is part of my project. Also #defined SFML_AUDIO_API in blank. Now audio works fine without any error if #including the Audio.hpp of that folder.
in Audio files: #include <SFML/Audio/SoundBuffer.hpp> -> #include "SoundBuffer.hpp"
in Export.hpp: #define SFML_AUDIO_API
in main.cpp: #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> -> #include "SFML/Audio.hpp"

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