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Messages - jDralliam

Pages: [1]
Ocsfml is an Ocaml binding of SFML 2.
It is almost complete, but there are still some TODO comments in the code...

Website: https://github.com/JoeDralliam/Ocsfml
Authors: Jun Maillard, Kenji Maillard

General discussions / Re: Visual Studio 2012 RC
« on: June 02, 2012, 05:37:31 pm »
Did you launch cmake from the Visual command line (otherwise environment variables are not correctly set and cmake can't find cl) ?

SFML projects / Re: Ocsfml, an ocaml binding of the SFML
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:28:45 pm »
Binaries for Windows and Linux are now available : http://ocsfml.forge.ocamlcore.org/download.html

On Windows, you may choose between linking against SFML statically or dynamically :
  • when linking statically, you don't need any specific version of the SFML (the one used is included into ocsfml libraries)
  • when linking dynamically, you need SFML 2.0 Dlls at the runtime. However, as I am not using the RC, I am not certain that the RC Dllls are compatible

On Linux, only dynamic linking is currently supported. SFML .so files must be accessible at link time and at runtime.

SFML projects / Ocsfml, an ocaml binding of the SFML
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:58:44 pm »

I would like to present Ocsfml, an ocaml binding of the SFML. We, Kyo Dralliam (Kenji Maillard) and I (Jun Maillard) have been working on it for about 1 year.

The library
Ocsfml is a binding of all the modules of SFML; however, threads and unicode support haven't been bound yet. The binding seems to work well on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
In order to support some features of the SFML (drawable, ...), we chose to keep the original OO philosphy.
Ocaml's GC is able to manage most of Ocsfml objects lifetime; instance of ressource classes should be explicitely destroyed.
Ocsfml may be linked to native and bytecode executable; moreover, on Unix system, the bytecode library may be load on the ocaml toplevel.

The sources
Sources are available on Github : https://github.com/JoeDralliam/Ocsfml.

The documentation
An adaptation of the SFML orginal documentation may be found there : http://ocsfml.forge.ocamlcore.org/ocsfml.docdir/index.html.

Precompiled libraries
Precompiled libraries for linux (gcc-64) and windows (msvc32/64) are coming soon.

Please don't hesitate to try, comment or to give your opinion on specific aspect !

General / Re: KDevelop
« on: May 22, 2012, 04:19:12 pm »
KDevelop uses cmake, just add to your CMakeFiles.txt:
OR, if you installed the FindSFML.cmake script,
target_link_libraries(your_target_name {SFML_LIBRARIES})

General discussions / Re: What is SFML_SYSTEM_API for(and others)?
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:05:30 pm »
It's a platform-dependant macro, defined in Config. It is used to export symbols, when linking SFML dynamically.

Pages: [1]