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Messages - xerwin

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: SFML Game Development -- A book on SFML
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:06:29 pm »
Does it work if you try the GitHub code directly?

Which compiler and operating system do you use?

I found where the problem was, although I have no idea that this could cause this. In the SpriteNode class, there is an drawCurrent() method declared as this:

virtual void drawCurrent(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const;

but I had it like this:

virtual void drawCurrent(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates& states) const;

I passed the second argument as reference. I deleted the & and now it works properly.

General discussions / Re: SFML Game Development -- A book on SFML
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:54:23 pm »
I just finished chapter 3 and for some reason, when I try to run the game, the background isn't drawn.

I compared my code to github code they are exactly the same, apart from variable names. Did anyone else had this problem?

I don't have much experience with game programming, but I suspect it has something to do with mSceneLayers not being iterated over and drawn, but don't hold me on that.

General discussions / Re: SFML Game Development -- A book on SFML
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:09:57 am »
Hello, hopefully this is in the right place.

I have this book and I'm at the end of chapter 2. However I can't compile it in VS2012. I created the resource holder class almost word-for-word from the book (except for variable name and exception text) and took the code from chapter 1 and changed it so that it should work with the ResourceHolder class.

However, when I try to compile it, I get ton of errors. I have experience with C++ and to me, my code feels like it's OK, I don't see any errors with it. Instead of reposting it here, here is link to stackoverflow where I originally posted this question.


If you could tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would be very glad.

Pages: [1]