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Messages - Bross

Pages: [1]
Window / Re: Viewports
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:22:10 pm »
So... the top-left of the viewport is at (50,50)?
If so, you could apply the same calculations to find out 50 pixels. e.g. viewportOffsetX = 50 / windowWidth.
Then, you could just add it to both of the x ratios.
Same for y.

Thanks! This works.

        int viewportOffsetX = 50;
        int viewportOffsetY = 50;
        int viewportWidth = 200;
        int viewportHeight = 200;
        int windowWidth = window.getSize().x;
        int windowHeight = window.getSize().y;
        sf::View view(sf::FloatRect(static_cast<float>(viewportOffsetX), static_cast<float>(viewportOffsetY),
                                                                        static_cast<float>(viewportWidth), static_cast<float>(viewportHeight)));

        float viewportOffsetXRatio = static_cast<float>(viewportOffsetX) / windowWidth;
        float viewportOffsetYRatio = static_cast<float>(viewportOffsetY) / windowHeight;

        float viewportWidthRatio = static_cast<float>(viewportWidth) / windowWidth;
        float viewportHeightRatio = static_cast<float>(viewportHeight) / windowHeight;

        view.setViewport(sf::FloatRect(viewportOffsetXRatio, viewportOffsetYRatio,
                                                                viewportWidthRatio, viewportHeightRatio));


Let me know if this works. Not certain of my calculations  :P

This is why i call it unintutive.  There will be method for set viewport without this calculation (IMHO setViewport internally doing exact reverse calculations, so there are round errors).

Window / Re: Viewports
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:39:43 am »
What does "on 50x50" mean?

Absolute position in main window, which is 1024x768, so is in upper left.

Window / Viewports
« on: August 01, 2014, 11:47:36 pm »
Is there method to set pixel perfect viewport position? For example I have 1024x768 window and I want set viewport on 50x50 with 200 width and 200 height. And in that viewport I do not want any zoom, any streching, just plain 1:1 display as in default view but clipped.

It is not intuitive that viewport use ratios and not absolute pixels as any other SFML functions. It is very confusing.

Pages: [1]