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Messages - zwcloud

Pages: [1]
Window / Re: How to get clientrect position or the rect size of titlebar?
« on: December 30, 2015, 05:11:19 pm »
You can call an OS-specific function on your window with window.getSystemHandle().

Hi Laurent, It works when using Win32 API on Window. But when porting my project to linux, I find it may be impossible to get the client rect of the window under linux/X11.

Because the Window.getSystemHandle() function calls sfWindow_getSystemHandle in CSFML.
public virtual IntPtr SystemHandle
    get {return sfWindow_getSystemHandle(CPointer);}

And sfWindow_getSystemHandle returns a sfWindowHandle.
sfWindowHandle sfWindow_getSystemHandle(const sfWindow* window)
    CSFML_CHECK_RETURN(window, 0);

    return (sfWindowHandle)window->This.getSystemHandle();

Which refers to a xcb_window_t.

But I can't get the client rect when only a xcb_window_t is provided under linux/X11. The X Display is need to retrive the client rect info.

If the X Display is provided, I can use XGetGeometry to get the client area info.

Anyway, I cannot make it when only xcb_window_t is available. :(

I'm not familiar with linux/X11, Xlib and XCB and was just beginning to dig into these problem. Yet not a native English speaker. Ask me if any can not be understood. :)

I have looked into the Window.CPointer in SFML.NET, but it is just a opaque struct used internally. Am I right?


using System;
using SFML.System;
using SFML.Window;

namespace DragableWindow
    class DragableWindow : Window
        private Vector2i grabbedOffset;
        private bool grabbedWindow;

        private void WindowOnClosed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Window window = (Window)sender;

        private void OnMouseButtonPressed(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Window window = (Window)sender;
            if (e.Button == Mouse.Button.Left)
                grabbedOffset = window.Position - Mouse.GetPosition();
                grabbedWindow = true;

        private void OnMouseMoved(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e)
            Window window = (Window)sender;
            if (grabbedWindow)
                var position = Mouse.GetPosition();
                var newPosition = position + grabbedOffset;
                if (window.Position != newPosition)
                    window.Position = newPosition;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("offset: {0}, position: {1}", grabbedOffset, window.Position);

        private void OnMouseButtonReleased(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == Mouse.Button.Left)
                grabbedWindow = false;

        public DragableWindow(VideoMode mode, string title, Styles style) : base(mode, title, style)
            this.Closed += WindowOnClosed;
            this.MouseButtonPressed += OnMouseButtonPressed;
            this.MouseMoved += OnMouseMoved;
            this.MouseButtonReleased += OnMouseButtonReleased;

    static class Program
        public static void Main()
            Window window = new DragableWindow(new VideoMode(512, 512), "SFML Dragable Window", Styles.None);

            // Start game loop
            while (window.IsOpen)
                // Process events

                // Display the rendered frame on screen


Window / Re: How to get clientrect position or the rect size of titlebar?
« on: November 02, 2015, 02:13:01 am »
You can call an OS-specific function on your window with window.getSystemHandle().
OK, I get it.

Because it shows cut pieces of texts, it looks just like garbage
Yes, exactly.

Window / How to get clientrect position or the rect size of titlebar?
« on: November 01, 2015, 02:46:00 pm »
I want to show a borderless window located precisely at a certain position of another window which has a titlebar. But without the ClientRect Position or the rect size, I think, there is no way to do that.

By the way, The search system of SFML forum is awful. @Laurent I think you'd better place a google search box instead.

Using SFML.Net 2.2.

Pages: [1]