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Messages - madpew

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: How to use SFML on git
« on: February 24, 2017, 03:10:21 pm »
I used "InputEvent" in my engine to group all kinds of input (keyboard, mouse and joystick)

Feature requests / PrimitiveType: LineLoop (again)
« on: February 24, 2017, 02:30:50 pm »
Hello everyone.

The PrimitiveType-enumeration is missing some of OpenGLs primitives, mostly because of missing support in OpenGL ES/3.0 (quad* and polygon). I find it very odd that LineLoop is missing.

My usecase is drawing outlines for convex meshes (triangle-fan vertexarray)
Using LineLoop I could reuse the same vertexarray for the outlines, while as with LineStrip I have to copy the vertexarray and "re-add" that first vertex again to close off the shape.

I found my issue (and that argument) already discussed in an older thread:

I understand the "keeping the API tidy, simple and understandable"-approach but honestly:
if someone knows what's the difference between a triangle-fan and a triangle-strip it can't be too hard to figure out what a line-loop might be used for.

Best regards,

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