I'm new to multimedia programming, so of course I have a huge amount of questions. Some programmers don't like newbies and simply shove documentation links at the hapless fellows
(not to say that those links aren't useful!). I'm glad to see that at least some are willing to put up with my periodically clueless questions.
Cyrano, you really are full of questions 
That I am. I don't know the answer, so I ask. I think the worse sin on my part would be
not to ask, but to code on in ignorance. THAT would be a sin. There is enough worthless code out there already (*cough* Google, wikipedia). I don't want to add to that refuse heap. My knowledge base is limited in several areas, so I ask the questions that seem most pertinent to the issues I have at hand.
Also, if stereo, would that be a 2 channel system?
Stereo does mean 2-channel, doesn't it? o.O
Dumb question, I apologize. I had seen an issue where a guy basically had to make stereo sound by having dual mono channels outputting the same data...it's a long story.:? Gave me the wrong impression, which led to a foolish question.
By the way. Maybe this is a stupid question. Let's imagine we have a 5.1 sound system. I want to send data only to the.... well, let's say, to the 4th channel. So far, i managed to do it by creating a sample array with the size of 6 * [sample number], filled with zeroes, and the fourth number of every six-number-packet is filled with the desired data. (I really hope this is understandable
) But I find this very... I don't know which word is suitable here, so.. I find it wasteful. Is there a way to send data only to a selected channel, or this is the way how OpenAL works? Thanks for the answer 
I have a feeling that I just asked the same question that Cyrano did... :$
That is a far better way of phrasing it than I could have done. :!: Not a dumb question at all. Thank you!
And yes, that is more or less what I was trying to articulate, if unsuccessfully. :roll:
I have my own reasons for wanting such a structure.