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Messages - Hubert

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Thor C++ Library – An SFML extension
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:26:34 pm »

Thank you for your answer !

Shame on me ! I've seen the enum thor::Resources::LoadingFailureStrategy
when I read the tutorial concerning the ressource management.

Actually, I think that I don't see your point about the Singleton. I've the same opinion about this "trick" overused but I don't see how you would implement your solution.

SFML projects / Thor C++ Library – An SFML extension
« on: March 06, 2012, 07:12:56 pm »
Hello Nexus,

First of all, thank you for that very useful library.

I have a question that I hope you will be able to answer.
It is possible to not throw an exception during the load of a resource if its extention is not supported ?
Let me give you an example. I have a resource loader which try to load all ressources contained in specific folders without any regard concerning the extension.
With the way supplied by the SFML to load an Texture for instance, the non-loadable ressource is just ignore and we get a NULL pointer.
I would like to have the same behavior because currently my application is closed as soon as a non-loadable is found.

(I guess I can specify to load only file whose the extension is contained in an enum for instance, but it would be more interesting if it can be possible with Thor directly).

Another request.
Is that possible you give an minimal code to implement custom ressource to be integrated by Thor ressource manager ?

Finally, I would like to have your opinion about the singleton in the management of resources. Currently I use this pattern that I don't love so much, but I would like to know if you've got another approach.

Thank you for your attention and excuse my english. I don't speak as well as I would like.

SFML projects / Thor C++ Library – An SFML extension
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:38:17 pm »
Thanks you so much.  :o
A lot a usefull things that I'm going to use in my projet.

Graphics / Drawing thousands of sprites
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:39:11 am »

Without your code it's a bit hard to solve  your problem.
Btw, you should draw on your screen only tiles that you can see.

To my mind it's a conception problem. I mean that I have a similar map engine (using tiles) and I can show over than 30 000 sprites without any FPS decrease.

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