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Messages - scorch

Pages: [1] 2
Graphics / Re: Different views showing diferent stuff
« on: June 27, 2012, 09:44:05 am »
Ah okay, I thought I've explained everything quite good... :-\
The tutorial's fine. The problem is probably mine anyway, I didn't understood it very well but Laurent explained. :)
What I wanted was to draw layers. Sprites are grouped by layers. Then, some layers are visible to some views and aren't for others. I thought that we had to render everything and then each view would see what we'd rendered. But now I understand that we have to render what we want for each view, and that's what I wanted. :)

Graphics / Re: Different views showing diferent stuff
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:00:57 pm »
I draw the objects and then I create Views and draw them
No. You draw objects and their final position depends on the current view. So you can draw an object several times with different views at different positions.
Ah ok, I read the tutorial eXpl0it3r posted, but I haven't understood very well how that hapened. So if I draw a sprite (0, 0) and then set another view and draw it again (5, 5) it will draw inside the view's viewport on (0, 0) and on the another at (5, 5), right? :)

You can take a look at the 'Using sf::View' tutorial: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=8334
Thanks, but I already read that tutorial, that's the one I've used for understanding views in SFML.  ;)

Graphics / Different views showing diferent stuff
« on: June 26, 2012, 07:41:29 pm »
So, I'm trying to integrate SFML2 views into my game engine. It happens that I found some issues.

First, for what I've understood about views, I draw the objects and then I create Views and draw them, and they will draw the parts of the scene they are focused in. So, is it impossible to draw things differently in different views?

This because I wanted to draw somestuff in different positions depending on the view (in one view they might be at the center, and in another they might be in the left-upper corner). Also, I wanted to not show some stuff on some views and show it only in another.

I've searched and I found no way of doing this.  :-[

Graphics / Re: Lots of Objects in Game and SFML2
« on: June 25, 2012, 03:41:53 pm »
I've built a Quad Tree, bu now I have a question: What's the best way for making it possible for the user to push objects forward and back? Perhaps a z-index property in the object class, or a list with references for all of them? ???

Graphics / Lots of Objects in Game and SFML2
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:55:42 pm »
So, I'me building a 2D game engine and the main purpose is to create a top-down open-world shooter. Of course, open-world means lots of objects. So, I've searched in the foruns the best way to do this without decreasing performance a lot, however most of the topics were about SFML1 and Laurent stated that he wanted to change this stuff in SFML2. I've came to this conclusions, but I would like your opinion about them and more solutions, if you know any.

First, when loading the game the engine will compose a huge image with the objects that won't change during gameplay, like roads, buildings, etc... This can't be done when compiling because the maps will be dynamic.

Second, I'll try to render only stuff onscreen. I mean, if some object isn't visible, the engine won't even call the SFML draw function. I don't know if SFML handles this internally, so I'm not sure if this will make a big diference. The only problem about this is that I'm planning to use lights, and I'm not sure how to get over this problem. For example, if a light source is outside the screen, but close enough to get its light seen, it won't get rendered and that can be kind of akward. The only solution I see is to have a function for each kind of object that with it's given size and position determines if it is rendered or not.

Third, for not having to go through all the objects, I'll probably build some structure like a quad tree to make searching faster.

Fourth, I'll load objects as the player get's closer to them.

Thanks in advance,

DotNet / SFML2.0 GetFrameTime()
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:16:22 pm »
So, I am using the RC of SFML2.0, and I can't find the method GetFrameTime() that was available in the RenderWindow class in the previous version (1.6). Am I searching wrong, or has it other name?

PS: I'm using the .NET binding. :)

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 02, 2012, 06:23:14 pm »
If you can implement normal maps, perhaps I'll have a look on porting it to .NET (if you don't mind ;D) so that I can use it on a project of mine.  ;)

SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: May 01, 2012, 03:17:18 pm »
Will this support normal maps? It's the only thing I miss in this light system. :D

DotNet / Check Cursor Visibility
« on: November 14, 2011, 10:22:52 pm »
Hi. I'm using SFML for my project, and I need to know if the Mouse Cursor is actually visible or invisible, instead of only shwing/hiding him. How can this be done? :)


DotNet / C# port of GWEN - a GUI library
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:10:56 pm »
I saw the samples and they look awsome. They still have a few bugs, but you have made a great work. Congrats.  :D

SFML website / Switching from phpBB2 to SMF
« on: August 13, 2011, 05:30:31 pm »
Hi. Just wanted to say that the final realease of SMF 2.0 is already out, and I have personal experience in a community using it, as a moderator, and it is very good in UI and functionalities, but is bad i code. If you want to change is source code, you may get a bit confuse (or worst.) However, it has a huge plugins database. :)

DotNet / Vista incompatibility issues
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:46:51 pm »
Is it related to the Tao DLL? I've been loking around and in the samples there is a reference for the Tao.FreeGlut (I think), but I haven't seen any of this DLL's in the SDK.

PS: Sorry fo the double-post. :oops:

DotNet / Vista incompatibility issues
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:40:34 pm »
They don't even open. They appear in the proccess list, just a small moment, but they don't appear under the applications list.

DotNet / Vista incompatibility issues
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:04:34 pm »
They don't even open.

DotNet / Vista incompatibility issues
« on: August 06, 2011, 03:46:23 pm »
Ops. Didn't knew that. Now most of the demos work, but the OpenGL and the Window demo still don't work. However Post-FX demo works.

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