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Messages - The Good King

Pages: [1]
 Setting the limit to 60 definitely reduced the noise to a low grumble, which I generally hear anyways when doing anything with a window. Further lowering it to 30 reduced it a bit more, but I think it seems for the time being that it will make at least some noise unless perhaps I replace the card entirely (which I am planning on doing).

 Thanks for all your help! I think we can call this one resolved.

That's a hardware problem. Your GPU is generating high pitched noises.
It should also happen with other applications that max out your GPU.
To 'fix' it you just need to set a framerate limit, so your GPU won't get maxed out and you won't hear a noise.

What graphics card are you using?

That definitely sounds like the likely cause, as this eMachine is quite incapable when it comes to graphics.

Here is my Graphics Card info:

EDIT: I see the Window method for setting a max frame rate, should I set the parameter to 533 or?

This makes no sense at all and it's clearly not SFML fault because SFML only interferes with audio if you include the audio library.

 It only occurs with SFML-made windows whether the audio library is included or not (I've tried excluding it from the project linker and everywhere else). I should also note that while manipulating the window (if I hold the window selected down while re-sizing or moving) the noise pauses until I release it. I've tried this with different sound devices (headphones, speakers) to see if it was the device causing the noise, but to no avail. If need be I'd be happy to record a video which shows my project's settings/code as well as the odd noise that results.

 If this helps, My PC is an eMachines EL1850 running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit) with Realtek High-Def Audio.

 Also, is it normal for playing audio to skip while the window is out of focus?

 Sorry, I may have been a bit ambiguous there with my question: I do not mean visual noise, but audible noise as in a high-pitched continuous sound. This does not change if I add images to the Window, and I notice if I re-size the window the pitch of the noise changes inversely (smaller window equals higher pitch noise).


 I am currently working on a game project using SFML 1.6 and Visual Studio 2008, and it seems sf::Window.Display() is causing a high-pitched background noise. Console applications work just fine with no noise, as well as the other SFML classes/functions.

 If I just create a window without invoking Display, again no noise is present. Only when I add a App.Display() invocation to the main game loop this high-pitched noise appears. Here is the code producing the noise:

#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>

int main (){
   sf::Window App(sf::VideoMode(640, 480, 32), "Testits");
   sf::Event Main_Event;

         if(Main_Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed){


   return 0;

 I tried looking up this issue on Google, but it seems only post on was made mentioning this problem. Unfortunately the poster asked several questions in his one post and thus received only one answer for one of the other issues he had.

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