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Messages - jabza

Pages: [1] 2
That did the trick. Really appreciate it, was pulling my hair out trying to fix it. Now I can build my project using CMake.

Thanks, linking the way you suggested has got me down to one error. I'm now doing the following:

find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS graphics window audio system REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES})

The error I'm getting is still to do with libglew,

C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libglew32.a(glew.c.o):glew.c:(.text+0x15262): undefined reference to `wglGetCurrentDC@0'
C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libglew32.a(glew.c.o):glew.c:(.text+0x152f0): undefined reference to `wglGetCurrentDC@0'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libglew32.a(glew.c.o): bad reloc address 0xf554 in section `.rdata'

If I don't rename the x86 build to libglew32.a I get the error, libglew32.a not found.

Thanks, good to know. So what I've found is that if I rename libglew.a to libglew32.a the error goes away but I start to get a bunch of these errors:

C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libsfml-window-s-d.a(Window.cpp.obj): In function `ZN2sf6WindowC2Ev':
C:/Users/Tom/Downloads/SFML-master/SFML-master/src/SFML/Window/Window.cpp:48: undefined reference to `sf::Clock::Clock()'

I have similar errors for, libsfml-window-s-d and libsfml-graphics-s-d. There's a bunch of undefined references for

I'm going to try compiling my own extlibs rather than using 'C:\Users\Tom\Downloads\SFML-master\SFML-master\extlibs\libs-mingw' as my mingw version may be different. Also, is it a bug that libglew32.a is inside x64 and libglew.a is inside x86?

As you say, I am using the most recent snapshot from the repo. Here's the entire log: http://pastebin.com/CgthCdQB Thanks for the help.

Hmm... I thought that's why it says in the FindSFML file,

# Since you have to link yourself all the SFML dependencies when you link it statically, the following
# additional variables are defined: SFML_XXX_DEPENDENCIES and SFML_DEPENDENCIES (see their detailed
# description below).

# - SFML_DEPENDENCIES: the list of libraries SFML depends on, in case of static linking

Which is why I'm setting:
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES})

So this is redundant now? Sorry if I misunderstood you. I'm a CMake noob, I think I'm using the SFML_DEPENDENCIES variable incorrectly.

Thanks, I've already read through that. I'm also following the FindSFML.cmake instructions for linking statically, which I assume should address the dependency issue?

find_package(SFML 2 COMPONENTS system window graphics audio REQUIRED)

    target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_DEPENDENCIES})
    target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_LIBRARIES})

I'm using the main.cpp basic example and have SFML_STATIC defined. I'm using an EAP of Jetbrain's C++ IDE so there is a chance something there is causing issue. But I doubt it since it's just running CMake in the background.

Thanks for the reply.

Adding extlibs didn't seem to do much. Renaming lib/libglew.a to libglew32.a got rid of that error but presented me with these new ones:

C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libsfml-window-s-d.a(JoystickImpl.cpp.obj): In function `ZN2sf4priv12JoystickImpl10initializeEv':
C:/Users/Tom/Downloads/SFML-master/SFML-master/src/SFML/Window/Win32/JoystickImpl.cpp:71: undefined reference to `joyGetPosEx@8'
C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libglew32.a(glew.c.o):glew.c:(.text+0x152f0): undefined reference to `wglGetCurrentDC@0'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\SFML-2.1\lib\libglew32.a(glew.c.o): bad reloc address 0xf554 in section `.rdata'

I built the static libraries with the latest version from the repository, could this be the issue? I'm confused here because I'm trying to build just 32-bit, yet the glew lib inside extlib x64 is appended with 32. Surely that should be in the extlib x86? I wonder why it is therefore trying to use libglew32 (which is 64bit according to the above).


I'm trying to create a CMakeLists.txt file from scratch for my project. I've compiled the most recent SFML2 source as static libraries. However when building the file I get the following:
mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** No rule to make target 'C:/SFML-2.1/lib/libglew32.a', needed by 'Corruption.exe'.  Stop.

My CMakeLists.txt can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/CguyS83F
I've copied the most recent FindSFML.cmake file into my CMake Modules folder, and have followed the linking statically guide. I'm linking the SFML_DEPENDENCIES too.

Any idea as to why I'm getting this? Thanks for the help.

SFML projects / Re: Sea sandbox, a procedural sandbox based sailing game
« on: December 03, 2013, 10:41:02 pm »
Looks interesting. Any more screenshots?

Sure. Work has been pretty demanding over the last week or two, so I haven't been as active as I'd like.

Here's a screenshot showing off the new water shader, crew path finding and a GUI helm:

Planning on posting a proper update soonish.  :)

SFML projects / Re: Sea sandbox, a procedural sandbox based sailing game
« on: October 25, 2013, 01:24:33 am »
Update 2: A long time coming...
Finally had the time to make some progress and do some well overdue reading. I've re-factored parts of the engine, using some great concepts discussed in 'SFML Game Development' and general code design improvements thanks to 'Effective C++'. Replacing my half-baked scene graph with a fully integrated one. The old world generation has been altered with use of a much more efficient shader that looks far better I feel.

The ocean is now one giant vertex array of quads.

Main menu, complete with tooltips:

Other things added:

GUI builder example:
GUIBuilder frame(this); //Setup GUI builder with a State reference.
sf::Text generateText(mContext.strings.get("GenerateBtn"), mContext.fonts.get("Default"), 32);
sf::Vector2f pos((mContext.windowValues.at(WindowProperties::Width)/2)-generateText.getGlobalBounds().width/2,

//Create a Button that sends message containing an intent to change to the main game state.    
frame.Button(generateText, mContext.strings.get("GenerateBtnTip"), pos,
                                        Message::Ptr(new Message(-1, Message::Type::ChangeState, new Attribute<State::Intent>(Attr::StateIntent, State::Intent(State::ID::Game, true)))));

//Frame returns a constructed entity which is then attached to the GUI layer.

More to come shortly. Hopefully gameplay.
Thanks for reading.

General discussions / Re: SFML Game Development -- A book on SFML
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:21:26 pm »
Just bought the book and I'm about half way through. It flows extremely well and has been a great read so far. It's filled many gaps in my game dev knowledge and refined what I thought I already knew. Exactly the kind of book I've been looking for.

Thank you to all the authors!  :)

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: April 09, 2013, 05:09:56 pm »
So I had a shot with 'power on' idea, but with simple colours with the free font: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/titan-one

I think it has sort of a 'HTML 5 Logo' feel, thoughts?

Sadly not yet... I kind of decided to re-write the entire engine. Basically, I was stretching the limit of my pure inheritance based entity design. I was fighting against the engine even in the early stages...

The new engine should serve as a flexible base for all my 2D game endeavors (I hope!).

Features include:
Stack based game states.
Entity-Component design, with self-attaching components.
'Blackboard pattern' for intra-component communication.
Messaging system for inter-component communication.
Less use of singletons. (I had a singleton for every single manager class... it was a nightmare to debug.) Now I only have one - the Logger service.
Everything else I should be able to re-factor into the new design. (Which isn't much) :]

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:10:23 pm »
I really like that one. It's simple, even has a meaning (I'm sure that no one will find it out, but you have something to tell if you get asked ;)), easily recognizable etc.

I agree that so far this one could be the most recognizable, I like the simplicity.

Here's an album of other library/open source project logos, which could perhaps serve as some inspiration. http://imgur.com/a/oz4tV

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: March 31, 2013, 08:43:30 am »
The arrow is a neat idea, I like the idea of one 'simple' element to go along with the text in the logo.

Here is another more simple logo I made using the same font as before:

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: March 27, 2013, 02:30:10 am »
So decided to have a crack at this. Made in Paint.net using the 'libre' font Orbitron (SIL Open Font) http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Orbitron

I tried to keep with the original design but make it more minimal and clean.

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

Version 3 Wide:

Version 3 Wide 2:

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