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Topics - souliaq

Pages: [1]
General discussions / SFML Graphics 1.6 uses OpenGL?
« on: June 11, 2013, 08:27:00 pm »
I'm looking for a library that abstracts OpenGL, then I found SFML 1.6. I was using Cocos2dx, the main problem was the "higher" OpenGL version required. So I'm a little confused with SFML graphics package, because the tutorial states: "Window package provides a complete system for handling windows and events, an can interface with OpenGL. But what if we don't want to use OpenGL? SFML provides a package dedicated to 2D graphics, the graphics package". I need make a 2D games capable of faster rotating and faster zoom in and zoom out of a whole scene, but if "graphics package" don't use OpenGL then I suppose SFML 1.6 is not capable of such thing. I'm correct or I misunderstood the tutorial?

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