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Topics - Hanmac

Pages: [1]
Graphics / ShaderChain Project
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:04:25 pm »
currently i planing an ShaderChain class what uses RenderTexture and Sprites to draw an chain of Shaders into an output (Render)Texture, but i also want to publish the code where so other sfml users can use it, or maybe intigrate it into sfml itself if is good.

there are a list of fuctions that are currently available, others may follow:

  • ShaderChain
    • Copied from RenderTarget, bad that i cant inherit from an interface
    • getSize() returns the size of the first RenderTexture
    • clear(Colour) clears the first RenderTexture
    • draw(Drawable,RenderStates) draws other drawable into the first RenderTexture
    • getTexture returns the texture of the last RenderTexture
    • Inherit from Drawable
    • draw(RenderTarget,RenderStates) draws the ShaderChainDrawableInstance stored in this chain and it makes sure that the ShaderChain is updated before the Drawable inside the ShaderChainDrawableInstance is drawn (i mean that the content is drawn from the first RenderTexture to the last, it only does it when needed)
  • ShaderChainShaderInstance  holds the Shader objects with an name, so they can disabled or removed later
  • ShaderChainDrawableInstance  combines ShaderChain with an Drawable object, it

critic and ideas are wanted

Feature requests / TransformableGroup
« on: July 16, 2013, 06:16:13 pm »
i think an nice little helper would be an TransformableGroup that inherits from Transformable and Drawable

its works like an vector for Transformable/Drawable methods but when you use Transform methods like move or rotate it also moves and rotates the object inside the group (but the group has its own rotation orign)

when you draw the TransformableGroup it also draws all objects using its own Transform infomation.

i didnt get a sample code working because i think Transformable need more virtual methods

General / new Ruby Binding sfml-ruby
« on: June 30, 2013, 11:10:55 pm »
Hi i made an new SFML binding that works with ruby Trunk and is a little bit different that  rbSFML

Some of the differents:
  • Enum Values are mapped against Symbol, so you dont need the constants
  • RenderTarget pointer are Stored inside a std::map to reuse them
  • uses key arguments for the classes that inherit from Transformable

currently its not finish yet, and the audio is totaly missing but the Shader example does work as it should

Pages: [1]