Audio / SFML 2.0 loadfromfile not working
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:57:22 am »
Hi! Kind of new to SFML and a bit new to c++ as well.
Basic info: Running linux mint 15 using Eclipse kepler
I got SFML working after a bit of a hassle(apt-get installed 1.6 instead).
Did the first tutorials everything working fine until I got to the audio tutorial.
While writing the code i get an error message "Method 'loadFromFile' could not be resolved"
The error message only marks loadFromFile as the problem not the file itself.(Have also tried with a few other sound formats)
loadFromFile has worked perfectly fine up to now loading images etc so i don't understand why it wont work now.
I have included Audio.hpp and tried including SoundBuffer.hpp as well.
I also get the same error message on other audio functions like music and play()
Basic info: Running linux mint 15 using Eclipse kepler
I got SFML working after a bit of a hassle(apt-get installed 1.6 instead).
Did the first tutorials everything working fine until I got to the audio tutorial.
sf::SoundBuffer buffer;
if (!buffer.loadFromFile("sound.wav"))
return -1;
if (!buffer.loadFromFile("sound.wav"))
return -1;
While writing the code i get an error message "Method 'loadFromFile' could not be resolved"
The error message only marks loadFromFile as the problem not the file itself.(Have also tried with a few other sound formats)
loadFromFile has worked perfectly fine up to now loading images etc so i don't understand why it wont work now.
I have included Audio.hpp and tried including SoundBuffer.hpp as well.
I also get the same error message on other audio functions like music and play()