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Topics - Futochu

Pages: [1]
Hey all, I've recently been working on a map generator as an experiment with VertexArrays.  Originally I had been working with sprites, but at higher zoom levels I found that the rendering process was so resource intensive there was no way I could implement anything else.

As a result, I switched to VertexArray drawing which initially seemed to work quite well.  However, if I am to zoom in the rendering seems even slower than before (!?).  Unless I'm doing something wrong, this seems completely counter-intuitive to me.  Could someone point me in the right direction?

The code in question (The RenderArray work is in this branch).

The offending code is probably in Tilemap.cpp


EDIT: This was due to textures being loaded every draw cycle.  Higher zoom = larger images.  Who knew texture loading was so resource hungry?

General / Selecting tile with mouse on an isometric map
« on: February 10, 2015, 07:14:48 am »
Is there an accepted way of determining the tile your mouse cursor is hovering over in an isometric map with varying heights?  It's trivial to map the position of a mouse cursor to a tile if all heights were zero, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get a tile that has an unknown height.  This is what my map currently looks like (excuse the placeholder graphics). 


I've read about things such as image maps to determine relative positions, but does this work when heights can vary by +/- 512?


SFML projects / Serpent - A simple snake clone
« on: August 20, 2013, 06:43:33 pm »

Though it seems I've been beaten to the punch by another snake cloner, here's my rendition of the game.  It's my first real project in C++ coming in with not much more knowhow than TI-BASIC can provide, but I think that it turned out rather well.  I apologise for any code looking unpolished, or any parts of the overall game feeling sloppy. 

Controls are the usual arrow keys, and the enter/return key will help you leave the "menu".

Unlike others, mine barely has any music, just an annoying 8-bit loop of around 6 seconds.

Unlike others, mine does eat fruit.  Apples in fact.

Unlike others, I do not have an "excellent fail screen".

I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Download link:

Source code:

Also, please bear with the 33/16 time signature music.  I can't seem to fix the music.

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