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Topics - vlanore

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [solved] [2.1] Can't get PNG transparency to work
« on: March 01, 2014, 09:57:11 pm »
I'm new to SFML and I'm trying to draw sprites with transparency (mostly to draw things on top of other things).
From the tutorials and forum topics I've browsed, I understand that PNG texture transparency should work without doing anything special.

Here is what I've done (slightly modified base tuto):
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
    sf::Texture myTexture;
    sf::Sprite mySprite;

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
    return 0;

And when I run it, at the places where my texture is transparent I see a white rectangle instead of the blue background. I'd like the background (or anything drawn before) to be displayed through the transparent parts of the image. I have tried various PNG images with no success.

Did I do something wrong or miss anything? Is this a bug/config problem on my end?

I'm running the git version of SFML compiled by hand on debian on a virtual machine (3d acceleration working,  no direct rendering) and with an ATI radeon 6950.

Any help is welcome :)

EDIT: my problem was solved (see my last post below) and was VirtualBox-related.

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