Audio / Audio Spatialization exclusively left/right intended?
« on: January 25, 2017, 09:04:42 pm »
Hi, just a quick question on whether this is the intentional behavior or if I am doing something wrong.
When I position a sound very slightly left of the listener, it plays exclusively from the left speaker. This can be jarring when a sound or the listener moves from one side to the other. Ideally it would play from both speakers if it was close to the listener and slowly move to being just left/right as it got further away. Is this always the expected behavior or are my sound/listener parameters incorrect?
When I position a sound very slightly left of the listener, it plays exclusively from the left speaker. This can be jarring when a sound or the listener moves from one side to the other. Ideally it would play from both speakers if it was close to the listener and slowly move to being just left/right as it got further away. Is this always the expected behavior or are my sound/listener parameters incorrect?