Audio / Memory problem with buffer
« on: July 11, 2009, 07:50:03 pm »
I have to record some audio and after every 5 minutes I need to create a new wav file from the audio captured. This process of recording must continue until I stop it Here is the psuedo code of what I am doing
When I implement this in the form of a code and use top command to see the memory requirements of this process . The momory consumption is increasing very rapildly. within 10 minutes after the start of this program The memory it was using was 1.5 gb Is it because of not clearance of the soundbuffer ?? I checked for the member functions of class SoundBuffer But I could not find any function which can clear the memory. Can any one suggest what to do . If I cannot solve this problem I need to search for other software which can record audio After a lot of searching for 15 hours I could find this and I want to use it coz its easy. Please help me resolve this problem . Thanks in advance
Nasini Madhava Rao
I have to record some audio and after every 5 minutes I need to create a new wav file from the audio captured. This process of recording must continue until I stop it Here is the psuedo code of what I am doing
Code: [Select]
bool flag =True;
while( true){
if(flag is True)
flag = false
if( timeInterval is 5 minutes )
flag = true
Recorder.stop() //stop the recorder
//Obtain the buffer and the write it into a file
sf::SoundBuffer Buffer = Recorder->GetBuffer();
When I implement this in the form of a code and use top command to see the memory requirements of this process . The momory consumption is increasing very rapildly. within 10 minutes after the start of this program The memory it was using was 1.5 gb Is it because of not clearance of the soundbuffer ?? I checked for the member functions of class SoundBuffer But I could not find any function which can clear the memory. Can any one suggest what to do . If I cannot solve this problem I need to search for other software which can record audio After a lot of searching for 15 hours I could find this and I want to use it coz its easy. Please help me resolve this problem . Thanks in advance
Nasini Madhava Rao