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Topics - Chronocide

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Python / kinda working topdown portal thing, w.i.p.
« on: December 12, 2015, 01:45:25 pm »

I was a little surprised to not find any top-down portal anything, just side-scrolling. Functionally the same i suppose. Anyhow, I took a stab at it and came up with a working shader, and a view transition system that mostly works.
Thought I'd share it before I possibly mangle it.  https://github.com/bobbysoon/topdown_portals

Draw lines with the mouse to place the portals. Move with WASD. Pan view with the middle mouse button. Scroll wheel to zoom.

Hi. I've been using the python bindings for a while without problems. Loving it. I think I had manually installed it. I don't recall for sure from where or which now, but it had the convenience wrapper with the sf.Image type usage. Would be nice if I could get that again.
Yesterday I fumbled my os messing with my sources.list, and I think I updated/upgraded the python sfml from the repo. I'm on Debian btw. 1st problem I noticed was the sfml module missing attribute 'Image', etc. Worked around that editing /sfml/__init__.py

So when iterating window.events, and I roll the mouse wheel, this happens:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./ErrorDemo.py", line 8, in <module>
    [e for e in window.events]
  File "src/sfml/window.pyx", line 797, in events_generator (src/sfml/window.cpp:14878)
  File "src/sfml/window.pyx", line 161, in sfml.window.wrap_event (src/sfml/window.cpp:2994)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'event' referenced before assignment
'e= window.events' didn't do it. Only iterating.

Apper lists python-sfml Version:2.2~git20150611.196c88+dfsg-1+b1 Origin:testing.

Ironically, before, I couldn,t get the sfml libs to compile, but the python bindings worked. Now my situation is reversed. I'd like both to work, so I can prototype in python and finalize in cpp.

[edit] I just found the bug report on this issue: https://github.com/Sonkun/python-sfml/issues/115
Sorry for being redundant.
I fixed my problem, reverting to jessie from testing in sources.list.
Thread no longer needed. Good luck with the testing

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