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Topics - gRuFtY

Pages: [1]
Audio / SoundStream custom buffersize
« on: February 29, 2016, 12:43:55 am »
So in this thread it is discussed, that SoundStreams always buffer 2 sec of the audio stream. For my use case this is way to much.
As the linked thread is a few months old, I'd like to ask if things have changed; is there an easy way of customizing the buffersize, maybe via the initialization? I'd love to stick to sfml-audio but I start believing I might have to switch to something lower level...

Window / Icon not showing or flickering
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:46:13 pm »

I followed this tutorial to get an icon for my sfml-project. https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Tutorial:-Create-and-Use-SetIcon
I integrated the call to window.setIcon into my code, just after creating the window, but that did not work - the window had the default icon of my operating system. When I moved the call into my main loop it kinda worked like expected except the icon flickers. every few seconds parts of the icon disappear or change colours.
I don't really see why this would happen. It's like something overrides the rendering of the icon, but I don't know what could do that.

I tried a minimal example where the main method only created a window and had an empty loop (only calling window.display) and tried calling window.setIcon before and inside of the main loop, which had the same result. Is this a bug in my version of sfml or something like this? I'm on gentoo linux and using sfml version 2.3.2.

Where should the call to setIcon be placed? Should it still work like in the tutorial?
You can find my code on https://github.com/Gotos/Cute3DSCapture

I hope you can help. Thanks in advance!

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