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Topics - elvaka

Pages: [1]
I'm using a single sf::Sprite and sf::Texture for my entire game. My Texture contains my game's entire tileset and, every time I need to draw something, I update the TextureRect in the Sprite like this:

Code: [Select]

I found that, since I have to update the position and maybe scale, etc. on the sprite every frame anyway, I might as well update its TextureRect instead of storing lots of different sf::Sprite objects.

Is there any downside to doing this? Am I missing on some optimization (batching draws, etc.) because of this?

Thanks a lot, folks!

Graphics / Drawing 3D buildings on a 2D tilemap
« on: July 30, 2016, 04:17:18 pm »
Hi guys,

I'm trying to draw 3D cubes on top of a 2D SFML scene, in a similar way of how buildings are drawn in GTA2 [1]. That is: the bottom side of the cube should be on the same plane as where SFML sprites are drawn.

How can I define my glFrustrum so that 3D elements align with the 2D layer (eg: when I move the camera, 3D and 2D stuff move at the same time)? Or it's not even possible to mix perspective and orthogonal projections like this?

[1] http://www.gouranga.com/images/gta2/gta2-3.jpg


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