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Topics - Raptormeat

Pages: [1]
Audio / Music popping while playing encrypted OGG files
« on: September 18, 2016, 01:41:14 am »
Hey there! Thanks again for this great library! I have a game which uses SFML for audio, and I've had this odd problem for a few years now where the music makes a cracking / popping sound randomly.

The music is encoded in OGG files which are decrypted using a custom sf::InputStream as far as I can tell nothing is out of the ordinary there.

The weird thing is that this problem seems to be made worse with high CPU load. My game is eating up a lot of cycles, I guess. If I "relax" the CPU usage by calling Sleep() every once in a while, the problem is made better. Users with lower-spec machines tell me the problem is worse for them.

Can anyone help think of reasons why this could possibly be happening? I know that there is a problem with OGG files needing normalization, but I'm not sure if that's my problem as it doesn't sound random or affected by CPU load the way my issue does.

Audio / Hang when playing second music with an sf::InputStream with 2.4
« on: August 26, 2016, 01:01:04 am »
I have a game that has been using SFML for a few years now (thank you!). I just upgraded to 2.4 (from 2.2) and I'm experiencing a new problem.

I have a custom sf::InputStream subclass which loads up encrypted music data from a stream and decrypts it for the audio system to play. This was working before the upgrade.

I have a single sf::Music object which I use to play all of my music. When one song is complete or I want to switch, I stop the music, close the input stream, then open a new file using the same stream and play the stream using the same music object.

So, when I start the game, the first music (the title music) plays just fine. However when I start gameplay and the title music switches to another song, the game freezes. Putting some breakpoints in the InputStream, I can see that read() is called a few times to load up some data. However then seek( 0 ) is called forever. The call to openFromStream() never returns and the program hangs.

Anyway I fully understand that this is probably an obscure problem on my end, but considering it was a new problem I thought it might be worth posting in case it was a known issue.

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