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Topics - danw

Pages: [1]
I can't find this information anywhere.  Probably there was a shader compile error, but how do I see it if that was the case?

Audio / Can I disable/reenable SFML audio?
« on: September 19, 2016, 11:52:35 pm »
I have my own audio code using WASAPI for low latency audio, which is a necessity for my program.

Before I get too far into converting my project to SFML, I want to be sure that this isn't going to be a conflict.

I don't see any requirement to "enable" audio support, so it seems like audio is always enabled in SFML?

Also, can I point SFML at my own audio rendering function?  I want users to choose whether to use the WASAPI exclusive audio mode, or shared audio, in case the exclusive audio does not work for them for some reason. All of my audio is generated real-time by a renderer function.  For shared audio mode, I would like SFML to call my audio renderer function, rather than dealing with sf::Sound or sf::Music objects.

General discussions / A question about rendering in a separate thread
« on: September 19, 2016, 08:55:20 pm »
I have a question before I spend time converting a large program from SDL to SFML.

I read this document:


I need to process input in a "main" game loop.  I need very low latency on handling input events (<1ms).  If I am processing input in a render thread that is using vsync, then I'm only updating every 16ms, and that is 16 times too slow.

So, can somebody please tell me for certain if I can render graphics to a window in one thread, and handle input (keyboard presses etc) in another thread?

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