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Topics - soaproap

Pages: [1]

I am working on developing a game using SFML. It runs in fullscreen, and the RenderWindow is initialized as follows:

RenderWindow *app = nullptr;
main ()
    app = new RenderWindow(VideoMode::getDesktopMode(), "mystery", Style::Fullscreen);
    // ... rest of game here

Although it runs fine when testing from within Code::Blocks IDE, I experience an issue under the following circumstances:
  • When I compile the 'Release' build of my project and attempt to run it outside of the IDE.
  • When I enable anti-aliasing or add any instructions in my game loop that slow down my game significantly.

The problem is, under these conditions, everything in the window is offset from the top by several hundred pixels (although click detection occurs as if it were not.) I would appreciate if somebody could tell me what is wrong (or ask of more information from me about my code, if I haven't provided enough!) Thanks!

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