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Topics - dunce

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Clock::GetElapsedTime()
« on: October 23, 2009, 05:33:16 am »
This function returns elapsed seconds as float. Thus the clock that starts with an application will lose its milliseconds in 27 hours. For stand-alone game it may be ok. No one would play the whole day and night through.  :)  But for some applications it may not be suitable. For my engine's task scheduler I need a clock with millisecond's precision and unsigned long capacity. Why not to extend sf::Clock with an appropriate function that returns elapsed milliseconds as unsigned long like Ogre's getMilliseconds()? The lack of this function makes developers implement their own timers or use 3d-party's ones.

Graphics / SFML2 crashes on RenderWindow::Draw()
« on: June 29, 2009, 09:00:09 am »
My simple test application that just drawes a sprite worked fine on my rather old notebook when I used SFML-1.5. On SFML-2 it crashes when I'm trying to draw a sprite. What has changed in graphics in SFML-2 that may cause this crash? The same application works fine on more modern PCs. I'm using SVN source updated at jun-28-2009.


SFML website / Invisible main menu
« on: June 17, 2008, 04:38:09 am »
The main menu of the site get invisible if I switch the browser to text mode. :(

Graphics / Font file formats
« on: September 10, 2007, 01:32:57 pm »
SFML font tutorial says:
SFML is able to load any valid font file (TTF, CFF, PCF, BDF, and a lot more)

I don't manage to pre-load windows fonts *.fon. The files was produced out of *.ttf files with a conversion tool. In Windows I can use these files without problems, but SFML application renders the example string with the default font and ignores my efforts to use *.fon. If I use the original *.ttf font (mistral.ttf in this case), everything works fine.
Am I doing anything wrong? Is the *.fon font format supported?
Code: [Select]

sf::String::PreloadFont("mistral.fon", 36.0f, L"ABCDE");
sf::String alphabet1;

SFML website / About the forum
« on: August 14, 2007, 09:49:03 am »
One small remark:
The button links such as Login, FAQ, Profile etc. on the forum pages are not visible in text-only browser mode. As for me, I use text-only mode most of time to save traffic.

Pages: [1]