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Topics - just6979

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Binary downloads built with newer MinGW?
« on: February 08, 2017, 04:37:06 am »
Could we also get a binary built with TDM-GCC 5.1.0? This GCC version is currently (2017 Feb) the latest and default build from TDM, and provides the option of using SFML with a full C++14 compiler, without having to build SFML from source.

The TDM GCC 4.9 version currently used to build the SFML binaries was released in 2014, and only supports about half the new features in C++14.

The MinGW-builds GCC 6.1 option is nice, but MinGW-builds (as linked on the SFML downloads page) isn't as easy to setup as TDM GCC, and only has a couple C++17 features over 5.x

It would actually be nice to have 3 options (each for 32-bit & 64-bit) corresponding with C++ releases:
- TDM GCC 4.9 for C++11
- TDM GCC 5.1 for C++14
- TDM GCC 7.x or MinGW-builds 7.x for C++17 (when it's final and pending compiler releases)

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