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Topics - LucasM

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Quadtree based Mesh Generator for 2D Surfaces
« on: January 22, 2022, 06:50:05 am »
Made a quadtree based mesh renderer for 2d surfaces.  You can use it for procedural terrain generation especially if you want a more blocky grid type look, or even if not.  I posted the source at https://github.com/LucasM127/QuadTreeTesselation  And made a decent looking readme there so I won't type too much more here.  Made it while developing some ideas I had for procedural terrain generation (in 2d) to make a more interesting looking surface.
I came up with the idea for triangulating convex polygons that had been sliced through on my own though so that was neat and motivated me to develop this idea further.

The examples are made with sfml.  It is not 100% finished but I don't think anything ever will be.  Not too many other examples of this that I could find on github.  Most were more oriented to making a grid for finite element analysis than for creating distinct surface regions.

The algorithm itself is not based on sfml however.

The codes not polished but I've pretty much given up on having perfect code after a while.  It gets better, but never great.

Hopefully someone may find it interesting.

SFML projects / Pentomino Game
« on: September 19, 2020, 07:42:42 pm »
Basic pentomino game with several levels.

Can find it at https://lucasm127.itch.io/pentominos (windows compiled)
Source at https://github.com/LucasM127/Pentominos

Spent enough time on it that I'll call it done for now.

Keyboard/mouse input.

Feature requests / Set Window Position on Creation
« on: July 04, 2020, 05:42:36 am »
There is no option to set the sf::Window position on creation.  Have to create the window, then set its position which causes the window to 'jump'.  Seems to be coded to position in the middle of the screen according to source.  Shouldn't be too difficult to overload the constructor to optionally take in parameters for window location.


General / Linking to dll files windows separate file
« on: February 28, 2017, 05:12:09 pm »
It is a pain to always have to copy the dlls over to where my test sfml programs are in windows.  I dont know much about it, but is there some way, such as writing a manifest file or having the libraries load in dynamically at run time with a call to loadlibrary so i can just refer to the dll location as is installed in the sfml folder.  Using the filepath.  (When i hit rebuild project it erases the dlls).  Without changing PATH.

Dont know anything about manifests but from what i have read it seems to be an answer from what i understood.

Static linking might help too but asks for jpeg.lib which i dont have installed (I dont think)
Not sure which library that is. (Graphics module)

Tdm-gcc compiler... newer version that can use c++11 features.  5.3 off the top of my head.  Using codelite.  (Vc++ community installed though somewhat overly complicated as an ide for me)

Thank you.

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