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Topics - JPO

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Audio / Method inside of a class isn't playing the music
« on: May 10, 2017, 03:29:39 pm »
Hello guys, I'm having some trouble understanding what's wrong with this code.

#include <SFML\Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML\Audio\Sound.hpp>
#include <SFML\Audio\Music.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class MusicSample{
        void PlayMusic();

void MusicSample::PlayMusic(){

        sf::Music mMusic;

        // Open it from an audio file
        if (!mMusic.openFromFile("battletoads_level1.ogg"))
                // error...
        // Change some parameters
        mMusic.setPosition(0, 1, 10); // change its 3D position
        mMusic.setPitch(2);               // increase the pitch
        mMusic.setVolume(50);         // reduce the volume
        mMusic.setLoop(true);         // make it loop

        // Play it

int main(){

        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(300,300), "SFML");
        MusicSample music;
        return 0;

It doesn't play any music, but if we paste the same code directly into the main method it works, it also works if we make mMusic a private member.

I come from a C# background and I'm not seeing a problem with this code.

So my question is what's the problem with this code?

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