Window / Problem with RenderWindow
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:00:15 am »
I'm working on a project with some friends using SFML but i'm facing a strange problem i don't understand
Here a link to github https://github.com/PapyRedstone/AIBattleSimulator2000. The problem is on branch detailOfGameImplement.
The problem is in main.cpp(I remove some useless lignes but you can see full code on hiyhub)
This code runs the window but create a core dumped when closed
if I call create after gmae.loadFile the window doesn't launch at all and create a core dumped as well.
I just want to know if you see the problem in my code or if i have to report a bug (or to stop programming
Thanks in advance
I'm working on a project with some friends using SFML but i'm facing a strange problem i don't understand
Here a link to github https://github.com/PapyRedstone/AIBattleSimulator2000. The problem is on branch detailOfGameImplement.
The problem is in main.cpp(I remove some useless lignes but you can see full code on hiyhub)
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window;
unsigned currentId = 0;
Game game;
window.create(sf::VideoMode(640, 640), "Serveur");
if (!game.loadFile("ressources/level.txt")) {
std::cout << "Error loading file" << std::endl;
return -1;
game.addPlayer(sf::Color::Blue, sf::Vector2f(2, 7));
game.addPlayer(sf::Color::Red, sf::Vector2f(28, 28));
This code runs the window but create a core dumped when closed
if I call create after gmae.loadFile the window doesn't launch at all and create a core dumped as well.
I just want to know if you see the problem in my code or if i have to report a bug (or to stop programming

Thanks in advance